The mediamaticAjaxRenameCategory AJAX action of the Mediamatic WordPress plugin through 2.7, available to any authenticated user, does not sanitise the categoryID parameter before using it…
The mediamaticAjaxRenameCategory AJAX action of the Mediamatic WordPress plugin through 2.7, available to any authenticated user, does not sanitise the categoryID parameter before using it…
The Display Post Metadata WordPress plugin before 1.5.0 adds a shortcode to print out custom fields, however their content is not sanitised or escaped which…
The ToTop Link WordPress plugin through 1.7.1 passes base64 encoded user input to the unserialize() PHP function, which could lead to PHP Object injection if…
The User Meta Shortcodes WordPress plugin through 0.5 registers a shortcode that allows any user with a role as low as contributor to access other…
The Quotes Collection WordPress plugin through 2.5.2 does not validate and escape the bulkcheck parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a…
The WP Block and Stop Bad Bots Crawlers and Spiders and Anti Spam Protection Plugin StopBadBots WordPress plugin before 6.67 does not sanitise and escape…
The Get Custom Field Values WordPress plugin before 4.0.1 does not escape custom fields before outputting them in the page, which could allow users with…
The Get Custom Field Values WordPress plugin before 4.0 allows users with a role as low as Contributor to access other posts metadata without validating…
The Caldera Forms WordPress plugin before 1.9.5 does not sanitise and escape the Form Name before outputting it in attributes, which could allow high privilege…
The Pixel Cat WordPress plugin before 2.6.2 does not have CSRF check when saving its settings, and did not sanitise as well as escape some…